Mohammed Moshiul Hoque


Professor, Dept. of CSE, CUET

Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member

8 years

Member Grade

Senior Member

1st Choice Position Statement (500 Words)

I would like to contribute more in IEEE and IEEE BDS for implementing the mission and vision of IEEE. I will actively engage to assists the Section Chair in managing the operations of the Section in the best interest of the local members and provides leadership, guidance and a sense of purpose for other Section volunteers. I will responsible for working with the BDS Secretary in selecting the topics that will be discussed at Section meetings. Additionally, I will work closely with the Chairs of the Technical Chapters and/or Affinity Groups to ensure that the programs offered by these subunits are focused on increasing member engagement and/or meeting the needs of the local member. In the year 2019, I would like to emphasis on establish new technical society chapters, new SBs, increases number of society chapter in university, membership retention program, increasing members in YP, organizing technical programs for students, fresh graduates, young professional, outreach program etc. I would like to pay special attention on universities which are outside Dhaka for exploring IEEE benefits for young peoples under the mission and vision of IEEE. Moreover, I will arrange several technical programs based on local or community needs.
I am working several administrative positions in university as well as government projects. Therefore, due to my vast experiences in administrative and professional areas, I choose the Vice Chair Technical position for the year of 2019.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post (500 Words)

I joined in the department of Computer Science & Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET) in 2001 as a Lecturer where I became a Full Professor in 2015. I received Ph. D from Saitama University with majoring human-robot interaction in 2012. Currently, I am serving as the Director (Director of Student Welfare, CUET), Head (Self-Assessment Committee, Dept. of CSE, CUET), Coordinator (Robotics Lab, CUET) and Executive Member of Establishment of CUET IT Business Incubator implemented by Bangladesh Hi-tech park authority, ICT division, Bangladesh respectively. I worked together to organize the several International Conferences, Symposium, and various events of IEEE BDS. I actively participated as a member executive member of IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE RAS Bangladesh Chapter, and IEEE CS Bangladesh Chapter respectively. Moreover, I am serving as the branch advisor of CUET IEEE Student Branch.
I was served as the Head of the Department of Computer Science & Engineering during 2015-2017, CUET. During my tenure, I organized several national/international events like National Collegiate Programming Content 2017 (as organizing chair), National High School Programming Contest. Also, I established several research labs in my university such as, Robotics Lab, Mobile Apps and Animation Lab, and Fab Lab with the financial support of Bangladesh government. In 2016, I received the World Bank grants approximately 1.89 cores BDT to establish FabLab in CUET. Moreover, this year I received several research grants from ministry of ICT division (BDT 12 lacs), UGC (2.5 lacks) respectively.

Recently; I organized an Inter University Robotic Competition where IEEE BDS and IEEE RAS Bangladesh Chapter took parts as technical co-sponsors. Several events are organized with the collaboration of IEEE CUET SB such as 2 maker fests, 2 outreach programs, 1 workshop for faculty members, 2 training program for students, 3 seminars for students. I played active role to organized IEEE mini-poco 2018 where around 30 participants are attended outside Dhaka. This year I actively engaged to form several IEEE SBs (Such as PUC SB, CIU SB, EDU SB) and Society chapter (RAS CUET Chapter, SPS CUET Chapter, SPS RU chapter).

I attended several national and international conferences as a guest speaker, served as a member of organizing committee, TPC Chair (IEEE r10 HTC’2017, ECCE’2019), TPC Co-chair (ICISET’2018), Publication chair (IEEE WIECON-ECE 2018) and TPC members of several international conferences such as ICCIT 2018, ICBSLP 2018, iCEEiCT 2016-2018, IC2ME4 2017, EICT 2015-2017, IEEE WIECON 2015, IEEEMeditec2015, etc. I served as the Award Coordinator of IEEE Bangladesh Section during 2016-17 and served as the Conference Coordinator (2017-18). Moreover, I am serving as Award Coordinator (2017-18), IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter and Educational Activity Coordinator (2017-18), IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, Bangladesh Chapter respectively.

I published more than 115 publications in several International Journals and Conferences. I received several awards and scholarships such as; Best paper Award in IEMIS 2018, EICT 2013, and HSI 2010, Monobashu scholarship, Korean Govt. IT scholarship, and so on. Currently, I am affiliated with several societies such as a senior member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Robotics & Automation Society, IEEE Signal Processing Society, IEEE Women in Engineering and Fellow of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh.

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (500 words)

Recently; I organized an Inter University Robotic Competition where IEEE BDS and IEEE RAS Bangladesh Chapter took parts as technical co-sponsors. Several events are organized with the collaboration of IEEE CUET SB such as 2 maker fests, 2 outreach programs, 1 workshop for faculty members, 2 training program for students, 3 seminars for students.

I played active role to organized IEEE mini-poco 2018 where around 60 participants were attended among them more than 30 are attended from outside Dhaka. This year I actively engaged to form several IEEE SBs (Such as PUC SB, CIU SB, EDU SB) and Society chapter (RAS CUET Chapter, SPS CUET Chapter, SPS RU chapter). Recently, I played significant role for arranging visit to Rohinga Camp and set up meeting with RRRC officials where President IEEE SSIT and Chair IEEE BDS were participated. This visit was arranged as a part of project activities running under IEEE BDS.

I served several IEEE BDS co-sponsored conferences as a member of organizing committee, TPC Chair (IEEE r10 HTC’2017, ECCE’2019), TPC Co-chair (ICISET’2018), Publication chair (IEEE WIECON-ECE 2018) and TPC members of several international conferences such as ICCIT 2018, ICIET 2018, ICBSLP 2018, iCEEiCT 2016-2018, IC2ME4 2017, EICT 2015-2017, IEEE WIECON 2015, IEEEMeditec2015, etc. I played active role to organized IEEE Award night 2017-18, IEEE ILS 2018. This year there are 10 conferences are received technical co-sponsorships from Bangladesh section. As a conference coordinator, I played significant roles to arrange technical supports for these conferences.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

Conference Coordinator, IEEE BDS (2018)
Educational Activity Coordinator, IEEE RAS BD Chapter (2018)
Award Coordinator, IEEE CS BD Chapter (2018)
Award Coordinator, IEEE BDS (2017)
Branch Adviser, IEEE CUET SB (2016-18)
Adviser, IEEE RAS CUET Student Branch Chapter (2018)
Adviser, IEEE Signal Processing Society CUET Student Branch Chapter (2018)

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

Best Paper Award (IEMIS 2018, India) [IEEE Kolkata Section Technically Co-sponsored Conference]
Best Paper Award (EICT 2015) [IEEE Bangladesh Section Technically Co-sponsored Conference]
Best Paper Presentation Award (HSI 2010) [IEEE Tokyo Section Technically Co-sponsored Conference]

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions)

IEEE BDS (2018, Conference Coordinator)
IEEE RAS (2018, Educational Activity Coordinator)
IEEE CS BD Chapter (2018, Award Coordinator)
IEEE BDS (Award Coordinator, 2017)
IEEE CUET SB (2016-18, Branch Adviser)
IEEE RAS CUET Student Branch Chapter (2018, Adviser
IEEE SPS CUET Student Branch Chapter (2018, Adviser)



Md. Abdur Razzaque


Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member


Member Grade

Senior Member

1st Choice Position Statement (500 Words)

Organizing good quality technical events including conferences, workshops, seminars, symposiums, etc. are highly important for increasing the capacity of Engineering community of Bangladesh. I want to put concentration on giving technical supports to arrange good quality conferences by different units of the section. How to train the organizers in more efficient ways will be given higher importance. What additional technical events can be arranged in large scale so that we can invite many top level IEEE global volunteers to the country will be further thought and share with the executive committee members and appropriate steps will be taken if I get your supports.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post (500 Words)

My experiences in writing research papers, and research projects, organizing conferences and different types of technical events made me confident enough to contribute significantly. My experiences in IEEE BDS ExeCom in the recent past years in multiple positions will be an added advantage for me.

Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (500 words)

I have experiences working in IEEE BDS ExeCom in the recent past years in multiple positions. I have organized different technical events including conferences, workshops, seminars, symposiums, etc. organized or sponsored by IEEEBDS  that  are highly appreciated in Bangladesh. We have formed IEEE Computer Society in Bangladesh where we have organized many technical and academic events. Besides I have many membership development programs in different public and private universities.

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

Treasurer, IEEE BDS ExeCom 2016
Membership Dev Coordinator, IEEE BDS ExeCom 2017
Vice Chair (Technical), IEEE BDS ExeCom 2108
Vice Chair, IEEE CS BD Chapter 2018

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

No award is received

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions)

Mentor, IEEESBDU, 2016-2018
Treasurer, IEEE BDS ExeCom 2016
Membership Dev Coordinator, IEEE BDS ExeCom 2017
Vice Chair (Technical), IEEE BDS ExeCom 2108
Vice Chair, IEEE CS BD Chapter 2018