IEEE Bangladesh Section Appreciation and Award Ceremony 2024
SB Counselors’, WIE SB AG & SB Society Chapter Advisors’ MeetUp
Date: 7th August 2020
Time: 7:30pm- 10:00pm (GMT+6)
Time: 7:30pm- 10:00pm (GMT+6)
Following the tradition of each consecutive year, this year in 2020- IEEE Bangladesh Section organized “IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Branch (SB) Counselors’, WIE SB AG and SB Society Chapter Advisors’ Meet up 2020” on 7th August 2020, Friday at Zoom platform. During this corona pandemic, when most of the activities have gone online, a vital section of Region-10 of IEEE like Bangladesh Section- is promised to enhance its impactful, significant activities towards research, humanitarian activities and increasing the industry-academia engagement for collaborative development and behold the true contribution of the Section members for a sustainable escalation of development that has slowed due to corona pandemic.
And as Student Branches, Affinity Groups, and Society Chapters are the heart of the section and significant stakeholders for the overall activities, it is necessary to meet up all the leaders of the section to come up in a common platform to share ideas and discuss on successful initiatives that can put a remarkable milestone in the Section’s Portfolio.
Total 56 SB Counselors, WIE SB AG & SB Society Chapter Advisors participated in the MeetUp and shared their experiences and their expectations.
Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair IEEE Bangladesh Section and Prof. Dr. Abdur Razzak, Conference Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section Moderated the event.
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