[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On August 24, 2016, IEEE Bangalore Section was host to one of the largest gatherings of IEEE members worldwide – The IEEE Region 10 Student/YP/WIE/Life Members Congress 2016. The programme commenced with the celebration of the 50 Years Anniversary of IEEE Region 10, held on the eve of August 24, 2016 at Hotel Lalit Ashok, Bangalore, India. The event was honoured by the presence of 2016 IEEE President Barry L. Shoop, President-Elect Karen Bartleson, IEEE Region 10 Director Ramakrishna Kappagantu and various representatives of the IEEE MGA (Member and Geographic Activities) Board. The Region 10 Congress 2016 initiated on the morning of August 25, 2016 at the Lalit Ashok Hotel and was attended by delegates from all over IEEE Region 10 – The Asia Pacific Region.
IEEE Bangladesh Section, being one of the co-hosts of the congress, brought along a total of 36 delegates. This included 18 student members, 8 Young Professionals (YP) and 10 Women in Engineering (WIE) members from all over the country. The delegates were accompanied and chaperoned by Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Chairperson of IEEE Bangladesh Section and Professor, Department of EEE, BUET, Samantha Lubaba Noor, Chairperson at IEEE Bangladesh Section WIE Affinity Group, Shihab Uddin, Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section, Chowdhury Akram Hossain, Chairperson at IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Activities Committee (SAC), Shams Shad Islam Khan, Chairperson at IEEE Bangladesh Section Young Professionals, and A.N.M. Nasimunnabi, Student Section Representative (SSR) at IEEE Bangladesh Section.
IEEE Bangladesh Section was honoured with the IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technologies Activities (HTA) Outstanding Activities Award 2016 and the IEEE R10 WIE (Women in Engineering) Section Affinity Group Award 2016. Moreover, IEEE Bangladesh Section WIE Affinity Group came home as the winners of the Section Poster Presentation Award which was presented by the WIE, IEEE Bangladesh Section Executives and IEEE UIU WIE Student Branch Affinity Group won the Student Branch Poster Presentation Award which was presented by Omiya Hassan and Sanjina Rommo, Executive members of the IEEE UIU Student Branch WIE Affinity Group. The evening ended with the Country Theme Cultural Night where various sections portrayed their country’s traditions.
IEEE Bangladesh Section also received 3rd prize on the cultural exhibition competition. Anindo Saha of IEEE AIUB Student Branch won the IEEE Region 10 Student Branch Infographics Contest and the IEEE R10 SYWLC ’16 Photography Contest was won by Sabab Iqbal from IEEE AIUB Student Branch. IEEE AIUB Student Branch also received 3rd prize on the IEEE Region 10 Student Branch Website Contest.
The three day event was wonderfully organised by IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Bangladesh Section is extremely grateful to have received 8 prestigious awards in the IEEE Region 10 Student/YP/WIE/LM Congress 2016. Bangladesh Section is proud to have one the most active delegate participations in the duration of the congress and hopes to inspire other engineering students of Bangladesh to join IEEE in the future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]