Event Name: IEEE Bangladesh Section Joint SB Initiative
Venue: Southeast University, Bangladesh
Number of Participants: 50
Date: 19 December 2019
IEEE Bangladesh Section organized IEEE R10 Funded Individual Benefits Event “IEEE Student Training Program” on 19 December 2019 at Southeast University Bangladesh during the second day of 22nd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 2019.
The event was held in two session. At the first session, IEEE Bangladesh Section Chair, Professor Dr. Celia Shahnaz talked about IEEE Bangladesh Section, it’s activities, awards and benefits. She also informed the conference attendees on IEEE TENSYMP 2020 which is going to be organized in Bangladesh on June 5-7, 2020.
After the first session, there was a tea-break. After the break, Mr. SM Saiduzzaman, Secretary of IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter, and Mr. Sazzad Sayyed, Membership Development Coordinator of IEEE Signal Processing Society Bangladesh Chapter, talked about the benefits of having an IEEE membership.
In this session the trainers trained the participants on the following topics:
- IEEE magazines such as IEEE spectrum, IEEE potentials.
- Volunteer training tools like IEEE Center for Leadership Excellence, IEEE VOLT etc.
- Professional tools such as IEEE Resume Lab.
- Research Databas e like IEEE Xplore, IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) etc.
- Various IEEE bodies like IEEE EAB, IEEE HAC, IEEE institute, IEEE Standards Association etc.
- IEEE new initiatives like IEEE brain
- IEEE Celebrations like IEEE day, IEEE PES day.
- Contests such as IEEE extreme, IEEE MadC, IEEE SP CUP, IEEE VIP CUP, YESIST etc.
- IEEE Travel Support and IEEE Scholarship opportunities.
- Funding opportunity from IEEE and their criteria.
There were around 50 participants attended the event. After the event a group picture were captured.