IEEE Bangladesh Section Appreciation and Award Ceremony 2024
IEEE Day reminds us of the moment when the first time in history engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. The theme of the IEEE Day is: “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”.
Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, IEEE Bangladesh Section observed IEEE day through full virtual events focusing on “Dreams, Dialogs, and Directions for a Better Tomorrow”. The new mode of these events was “Interactive Dialogs”, no conventional continuous talks.
It was a five day program.
a. Student Branch Activities: 06 October 2020
b. Student Branch Technical Chapter Activities: 07 Oct 2020
c. Women In Engineering Activities: 08 Oct 2020
d. Technical Society Chapter Activities: 09 Oct 2020
e. Members and Young Professionals Activities: 10 Oct 2020
Parts of the third and fourth day sessions was held in Bangla Language following the Reaching Locals project, an initiative of IEEE President Dr. Toshio Fukuda.
On the third day Women in Engineering Activities session, Anamika Bhakta, Chair, IEEE WIE AG Bangladesh Section presented WIE Bangladesh activities in Bangla Language.
On the fourth day, Technical Society Chapter Activities session, the first part of the session was conducted in Bangla Language where Dr. Asish K Mukhopadhyay, Former Group Director, SRGI, Jhansi; Director, BITM, Santiniketan; Principal, BCETW, India and Dr. Celia Shahnaz Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section spoke in Bangla.
More than 70 speakers joined the five-day sessions. Total Zoom Participants were 273 over the sessions. And more than 2000 viewers watched Facebook live.
Participants from more than 6 countries joined the discussion and made the program lively.
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