[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Event: IEEE BUET SB Outreach Program for Pre-university Students, 2016 sponsored by IEEE Bangladesh Section Educational Activity Committee
Date: 29 October, 2016
Venue: Government Laboratory High School
Number of participants: 68 students from Govt. Laboratory High School and Viqarunnisa Noon School. They were divided into 14 groups.
IEEE BUET Student Branch is pleased to announce the successful completion of the first ever outreach program organized for pre-university students held at Government Laboratory High School. We were overwhelmed by the huge response and the enthusiasm of the participants forced us to carry out the workshop in more detailed way. We cordially thank the guest speaker of the event, Rakibul Islam Chowdhury, Vice-Chairperson, IEEE BUET Student Branch for sharing his insights and brilliant ideas to the young participants. We also thank our instructors Abir Ahsan Akib, Kristi Rahman, Saraf Mahnaz, Mohammad Mahinur Rahman and Shafkat Mahmud Khan, who had the friendly and supportive attitude that made the workshop more appealing to the youngsters. We thank our appreciative and enthusiastic participants without whom the workshop holds no meaning. Their eagerness and patience motivated the instructors to help them out with all the projects they wanted to implement. We would also like to thank Ahsan Ullah sir, Moderator, Science Club of the Laboratorians, to take his valuable time out to join the certification ceremony. At last but not the least, the executive committee members of Science Club of the Laboratorians and the young volunteers who worked relentlessly demand a huge gratitude for organizing the workshop flawlessly. After the workshop each participants were awarded a certificate of participation.
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