IEEE Bangladesh Section Appreciation and Award Ceremony 2024

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Meeting Agenda:
- Issues on ICCIT 2015
- Request from Dept. of CSE, RUET for ICCIE 2015
- Request from Dept. of CSE, BUET for NSysS 2016
- Award Giving Ceremony 2015 and Annual Dinner
- IEEE Day 2015 Celebration
- ICTP 2015 to be organized by COMSOC BD Chapter
- WIECON-ECE 2015 to be organized by WIE AG with BD Section
- Notification and financial approval of some BD section’s activities: SYW Congress 2015, Olympiad (at MIST), EEE Project Show (at BUET), E-Bangla (at UIU)
- Claim forms of last year expenditures: AUST, UIU, Dinner 2014
- Student Conference to be organized by DU Student Branch
- IEEE R10 SYW Congress: Final nominees and their grants
- IEEE BD website upgrade and appointment of webmaster
- Miscellaneous
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