Following the tradition of each consecutive year, this year in 2024- IEEE Bangladesh Section is organized “IEEE Bangladesh Section Appreciation and Award Night 2024” at ECE Building Cafeteria, ECE Building, BUET, West Palashi, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 27th January 2024. The award/prize winners are from the following category,
1. 2023 IEEE BDS Section Awards
2. 2023 Co-located Competitions Awards
IEEE BDS Congratulates again all the winners for their outstanding contributions.
Professor Dr. Celia Shahnaz, IEEE WIE Committee Chair and IEEE Computer Society Awards Committee Chair
Professor Dr. Shaikh A. Fattah, Dept. of EEE, BUET and Chair, 2023 IEEE R10 Adhoc committee on climate change
Professor Dr. Moshiul Hoque, Dept. of CSE, CUET and Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section
The event was also held in the last year to recognize the contributions of all technical conferences, Reviewers, Session Chairs, Committee Member, Judges and Volunteers.
IEEE Bangladesh Section Vice Chair (Technical) Prof. Md. Faruk Hossain, Professor, Dept. of EEE, RUET; IEEE BDS Awards Coordinator Prof. Md. Maniruzzaman, Professor, Dept. of ECE, KU; IEEE BDS Treasurer Anamika Bhakta, Executive Vice President, Robi Axiata Ltd; IEEE BDS Humanitarian Activity Coordinator Prof. Naruttam Kumar Roy, Professor, Dept. of EEE, KUET; IEEE BDS Publicity Coordinator Engr Shohel Rana and IEEE BDS Professional Activity Coordinator Md. Ranak Ahsan, Deputy Manager, Teletalk Bangladesh Limited along with IEEE BDS technical conferences’ Reviewers, Session Chairs, Committee Member, Judges and Volunteers and various university professors, students and industry experts were also joined the event. Around 250 participants attended the event. We sincerely thank the Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section ExCom Members and Volunteers for their amazing support to make the event successful.