[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On 4th February 2016; IEEE AIUB student branch hosted the members’ orientation at the Auditorium, Faculty of Business Administration building, AIUB. The orientation is an annual event, organized to give the members a brief idea about IEEE, IEEE AIUB student branch and the prospective event schedule for the year.
The event started with a series of videos about IEEE AIUB student branch. Following this, Mr. Anindo Saha, Vice Chairperson, IEEE AIUB student branch, delivered an extremely detailed presentation on IEEE and the benefits of being a member of IEEE. Then Prof. Dr. A.B.M. Siddique Hossain, Honorable Dean, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB, took the stage to deliver an inspirational speech to the student branch members. The Vice Chairperson then gave a presentation on IEEE AIUB student branch for the year 2015 and the strategic plan of IEEE and the activity plan for the year 2016. Following this, short video clips were played highlighting the achievements of IEEE AIUB student branch for the year 2015.
Afterwards, Mr. Farhadur Arifin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB & Former Counselor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch; marked the end of his tenure as Counselor of IEEE AIUB student branch with a speech. Following this Dr. Tanseer Ali, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB & Counselor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch, was introduced as the new Counselor of IEEE AIUB Student Branch. He delivered a speech highlighting the plans for his tenure.
Later, Prof. Dr. A.B.M. Siddique Hossain awarded Mr. Farhadur Arefin, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB & Former Counselor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch; Mr. Chowdhury Akram Hossain, Assistant Professor & Special Assistant (OSA), Faculty of Engineering, AIUB & Mentor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch; Mr. Saniat Rahman Zishan, Assistant Professor & Special Assistant (OSA), Faculty of Engineering, AIUB & Advisor, IEEE AIUB Student Branch; Mr. Shahriar Hasan, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB & Motivator, IEEE AIUB Student Branch and Ms. Tasnuva Tasneem, Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, AIUB & WIE Coordinator, IEEE AIUB Student Branch certificates for guiding the branch through the year of 2015. Afterwards, the award winning poster of the IEEE Region 10 congress 2015 was shown to the audience. Mr. Chowdhury Akram Hossain and Mr. Saniat Rahman Zishan then presented the executive board of 2015, with a personalized award to each member.
An interactive talk session with the Mr. Mahmudul Haque Jishan, Chair, IEEE IA-S AIUB Student Branch chapter; Mr. Nasim Al Islam, Chair, IEEE MTT-S AIUB Student Branch chapter and Ms. Farhana Choudhury, Representative, IEEE WIE AIUB Affinity Group, took place afterwards. This was followed by a speeches from past alumni of AIUB and executive board members of IEEE AIUB student branch which included Mr. Muhammad Faheem Faruq, Project and Design Engineer, M&E consultants; Mr. Azizul Haque Faysal, Support Engineer, Technical Division, Link 3 technology Ltd; Mr. Ahmed Shaaek, Scheduling and Office Engineer and Engineer, Infrastructure Services, Mott MacDonald and Mr. Shaon M. Shahjalal, Assistant System Admin, Apple Communication limited. Following this, Mr. Chowdhury Akram Hossain and Mr. Saniat Rahman Zishan, each gave speeches to inspire those in the audience. They also announced the executive board for the year 2016.
The event had cultural shows, musical performances, an interactive quiz and a raffle draw, which took place at different intervals of the orientation. Over 230 IEEE AIUB student branch members were seated in the audience.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]