[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]IAS chapter of IEEE BUET Student Branch organized “Industrial visit of BANGLADESH LAMPS LIMITED and CHINA BANGLADESH ELECTRONICS PVT. LTD. ”
On 28th April 2016, IEEE Industry Application Society, BUET SB organized an industrial tour entitled “Industrial visit of Bangladesh Lamps Limited And China Bangladesh Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Ltd.” with 40 participants, the visit aimed to introduce the students to the basics of industrial lamp production. Prof. Dr. Md. Ziaur Rahman Khan, professor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, BUET proposed and supervised the event.
The visit to Bangladesh Lamps Limited was conducted by Bangladesh Lamps Limited representative Mr. Shakil along with several of his colleagues. He started the event with a comprehensive speech about the workings of the lamp manufacturing plant and the difficulties that has to be faced every day in such an industry. Next, the participants were escorted to the various manufacturing and assembling plants. The principal products manufactured and assembled by the company are incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent tube lights, compressed fluorescent lamps and LED lamps. A comprehensive tour of their RND and testing facilities was also provided. Lastly, the visit was concluded with refreshments and a question and answer session.
Next, the rest 20 participants visited the manufacturing plant of China-Bangladesh electronics Ltd. The principal manufacturing concerns of this plant are fluorescent tube lights, compressed fluorescent lamps and LED lamps. The focus of this part of the tour was primarily on LED lamps as they manufacture the entire LED lamp conversely to the former that only assemble them. Like the first, this visit was also concluded with refreshments and a question answer session.
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