IEEE Bangladesh Section along with IEEE Humanitarian Activity Committee (HAC) organized a Humanitarian Activity Workshop during Student Professional Awareness Conference, SPAC at North South University, Dhaka on 27 July 2018. Professor Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah was the instructor of this workshop.
The total present participants were divided into 25 groups, each group having on average 5 members. These five groups were mentored by five mentors. Arnab Bhattacharjee, lecturer, BUET, Md. Zakaria Haider, Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section, Raihan Ur Rashid, Publicity Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section, Akib Jobaer Rahman, Vice-Chair, IEEE YP AG BD and Md. Romael Hoque, Treasurer, IEEE Bangladesh Section acted as the mentors to the participants.
In the first round, participants were given 5 humanitarian problems to solve with the help of the mentors. Top 5 teams, each from each mentor, were selected for the next round where they all faced a common problem. One member from each team presented their solution to the problem in front of the whole audience and Prof. Fattah judged them.