Integrating the Renewables: Some Challenges and How to Address them Meet the Young Professional: Dr. S M Shafiul Alam

IEEE Young Professional (YP) affinity group of IEEE Bangladesh Section thrives to create new opportunities for those who newly jumped into their professional life. Creating connections between young professionals of different fields is the primary goal of this organization. IEEE YP has organized total 38 events from November,2019 to October,2020 with a view to develop…


International Women in Engineering COVID 19 Congress 2021 (WIECOV 2021)

IEEE Bangladesh section offers successful events for the whole section by collaborating with different national and international IEEE sections, affinity groups, student branches etc. Recently IEEE Bangladesh Section and Women In Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE Bangladesh Section have organised an event named “Women In Engineering Covid 19 Congress 2021” (WIECOV 2021) with the help…



  To celebrate International Mother’s Day 2021, IEEE WIE BUET Student Branch Affinity Group, in collaboration with IEEE WIE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Stamford University Student Branch, organized a webinar titled “Women In STEM: Affection Affirmation and Altitude (AAA)” on 9 May, 2021, to signify women contributions in STEM as motherly figures. The event was initiated at 3 PM as the…


International Girls in ICT day 2021

  IEEE Bangladesh Section (IEEE BDS) and IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group IEEE Bangladesh Section (WIE AG BDS) organized an online event to celebrate the International Girls In ICT Day 2021 on 22 April 2021, 8-9 pm. The theme of the event “Connected Girls, Creating Brighter Futures”. International Girls in ICT Day, an initiative…


IMBZ Tech Workshop

IEEE BUET Student Branch is delighted to let you know that we in collaboration with IEEE Bangladesh Section are arranging our second online training session on technical skills in association with IBM titled “IMBZ Tech Workshop”. The sessions will be conducted by the industry experts and technical experts from IBM. It will be a one and half-hours-long event where…


IBMZ Training Session

IEEE BUET Student Branch is delighted to let you know that we in collaboration with IEEE Bangladesh Section are arranging an online training session on technical skills in association with IBM conducted by the industry experts and technical experts from IBM. It will be a three-hour-long event where the participants will get to meet the IBM team, learn digital skills,…


IEEE BDS SB Counselors’, WIE SB AG and SB Society Chapter Advisors’ Meetup 2021

IEEE Bangladesh Section has the record of organizing more than 130 virtual events in 2020 due to hard work and proactive initiatives of visionary leaders, volunteers and advisors.  Following the tradition of each consecutive year, this year in 2021- IEEE Bangladesh Section will organize “IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Branch (SB) Counselors’, WIE SB AG and SB Society…


IEEE Bangladesh Section Awards Night 2020

Author: Dr. Md. Zunaid Baten, Awards Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section   On 31st December 2020 IEEE Bangladesh Section a virtual Awards Night. Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, IEEE Bangladesh Section Chair presided over the program. Prof. Dr. Zunaid Baten, Awards Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section moderated the Awards Session. More than 200 members joined the program.  …
