Dear Respected Sir/Madam, IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE MP Section (Madhya Pradesh) in collaboration with their WIE Affinity Group are jointly organizing the 8th IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2022 (IEEE WIECon-ECE 2022) at International Institute of Information Technology, Naya Raipur (IIIT-NR), INDIA. The conference will be hosted…


IEEE BDS 6 Co-located Conferences (17- 19 December, 2022)

Join the upcoming 6 Co-located Conferences at IEEE ICCIT 2022 organised by IEEE Bangladesh Section in Hybrid Mode. Date : 17- 19 December 2022 Venue : Long Beach Hotel, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Website : Join and participate in different programs/contests of 6 Co-located Conferences at ICCIT 2022. Your contribution will be highly appreciated. Details…


IEEE BDS 5 Co-located Conferences (24 – 25 June, 2022)

Please participate, inspire others & join the upcoming 5 Co-located Conferences jointly organised by IEEE Bangladesh Section & University of Asia Pacific – UAP, Department of EEE. Date : 24 – 25 June 2022 Venue : University of Asia Pacific – UAP, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Program Schedule : 1. International Professional Activities Conference (ProCon) 2022…


IEEE Smart City: Bangladesh perspective

Dear Members, You are aware that a Campaign for Smart City in Bangladesh launched in 2019 by IEEE Bangladesh Section. Under the initiative of IEEE PES Global Workshop Committee, the first global PES workshop “Smart City Initiatives- Bangladesh” was successfully held at IEB, Dhaka, Bangladesh during 24-25 September 2019. IEEE Bangladesh Section in association with…


IEEE BDS Colocated Conferences (3-5 Dec, 2021)

Dear Respected Sir/Madam, Hope you are doing well with your family. You may all know about IEEE WIECON-ECE, founded in 2015 and co-located conferences, IEEE SPICSCON, IEEE BECITHCON, IEEE PEEIACON, IEEE RAAICON, founded in 2019 by IEEE Bangladesh Section in collaboration with relevant Society Chapters and Affinity Groups. Even in 2021, despite this challenging time…


IEEE SIGHT Day Celebration 2021

IEEE Bangladesh Section is Celebrating SIGHT Day 2021 along with IEEE SIGHT FLASH and IEEE BUET Student Branch. The second annual IEEE SIGHT Day is taking place on 28 April! This year’s theme is “Celebrating 10 years of IEEE SIGHT”. Topic: SIGHT Day Celebration 2021 Time: Apr 28, 2021, 03:00 PM Astana, Dhaka Join Zoom…


SIGHT Day Celebration 2021

The IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) is an IEEE program, instituted by the IEEE HAC. IEEE SIGHT is a global network of groups consisting of IEEE members and volunteers who identify and address local problems by applying their technical skills and partnering with their local communities. In 2011, the SIGHT program was…
