IEEE Bangladesh Section 6 Co-Located Conferences 2023 Closing Ceremony

Join us for a momentous occasion as we celebrate the successful culmination of six remarkable co-located conferences organized by IEEE Bangladesh Section. These conferences, namely STUDENT-LED CON 2023, SympSIST-2023, WIE BD Summit 2023, YPCON 2023, ProCon 2023, and IndCon 2023, have been a testament to innovation and collaboration. These conferences were made possible through the…



Following the tradition of each consecutive year, this year in 2023- IEEE Bangladesh Section is organized “IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Branch (SB) Chair’s, Counselors’, WIE SB AG and SB Society Chapter Advisors’ Meet up 2023” in hybrid mode. The virtual mode is organized on the Zoom platform and the physical at IICT Room 705, ECE…


IEEE SPS 75 Years Celebration

IEEE Bangladesh Section SPS Chapter & IEEE Bangladesh Section are jointly organized to celebrate the 2023 marks 75 years of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) in hybrid mode. The virtual mode is organized on the Zoom platform and the physical at IICT Room 705, ECE Building, BUET, West Palashi, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 30th December…


10th IEEE ICPS 2023, 13-15 DEC, 2023

The International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS) is a leading conference in the area of Power Engineering since its birth year 2004. The 10th ICPS 2023 hold in hybrid mode during 13-15 December at Long Beach Hotel, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. This conference is jointly organized by IEEE Bangladesh Section; IEEE Industrial Applications Society (IAS) Bangladesh…


26th IEEE ICCIT 2023, 13-15 DEC, 2023

IEEE Bangladesh Section successfully organized “IEEE ICCIT 2023” between December 13-15, 2023 at Long Beach Hotel, Cox’s Bazar. IEEE ICCIT 2023 conference is based on paper presentations. 1160+ Full paper Submissions, 650+ Registered participants, 500+ in person attendees, 50+ Speakers, 3 IEEE Presidents in a venue making the events a historic success. We thank the organizers,…


9th IEEE WIECON-ECE 2023, 25-26 NOV, 2023

IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Kerala Section in collaboration with their WIE Affinity Groups are jointly organising the 9th IEEE International Women in Engineering (WIE) Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023 (IEEE WIECON-ECE 2023). at Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, INDIA. The conference was hosted during 25th & 26th of November…


Celebration of IEEE DAY 2023

On 14th October, 2023 (Saturday), IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE WIE Affinity Group Bangladesh Section successfully jointly organized an event to celebrate IEEE DAY 2023 on an online platform. Four speakers from different fields shared their knowledge and research work. Mohammed Shafi K from System Software Engineer, Intel Corporation, Folsom, California – USA delivered a…


IEEE Bangladesh Section Expert Reviewers’ Forum 2023

IEEE Bangladesh Section & Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET -IRAB is jointly organized a IEEE Bangladesh Section Expert Reviewers’ Forum at Room 1031, 10th floor, ECE Building, Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET (IRAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh on 23rd September 2023. At this event a workshop was held with the reviewers of the upcoming three conferences 2023 (IEEE…


IEEE R10 Robot Competition (Stage-1) 2023: Final Round form Bangladesh Section

IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society-Bangladesh Chapter & Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET (IRAB) organized an IEEE R10 Robot Competition for Managing Climate Change (Stage-1) at Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET (IRAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh on 5th August 2023. The top six selected teams of IEEE student branch members from various Bangladeshi…
