Expeditious ’18 on CUET

Robo Mechatronics Association (RMA) & FABLAB, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology organized a two day robotic competition called “Expeditious ’18” with the title sponsorship of Unipolar and the co-sponsorship of IEEE Bangladesh Section & IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Bangladesh Chapter on 29th June, 2018 at PME (Petroleum and Mining Engineering) Building, Chittagong University…

Humanitarian Activity Workshop at SPAC

IEEE Bangladesh Section along with IEEE Humanitarian Activity Committee (HAC) organized a Humanitarian Activity Workshop during Student Professional Awareness Conference, SPAC at North South University, Dhaka on 27 July 2018. Professor Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah was the instructor of this workshop. The total present participants were divided into 25 groups, each group having on average 5 members.…

Training session on “Humanitarian Technology Project Design for Sustainable Development in Local Community” on CUET

IEEE Student Branch CUET in cooperation with IEEE Bangladesh Section organized a training session on “Humanitarian Technology Project Design for Sustainable Development in Local Community” on 28 June, 2018 at Operating System Laboratory, Department of CSE, CUET. Its objective was to familiarize the participants with the process of identifying local community problems and developing sustainable…

Student Branch ExCom Summit 2018

  IEEE Bangladesh Section along with IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Activity Committee (SAC) and IEEE Eastern University Student Branch successful organized the IEEE BDS Student Branch Ex-Com Summit 2018 on 18th May 2018 at Eastern University.   Total 112 individuals including branch counselors, branch chairs and other executive members from 28 different universities came together…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Enhancement Series Event 1

IEEE Bangladesh Section in collaboration with IEEE Jahangirnagar University Student Branch organized a day-long event “IEEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Enhancement Series Event 1” on 16 May, 2018 at IIT, JU. It was the pioneering event of the IEEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Enhancement Event Series. The event included a workshop on IoT and a Membership Drive.…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Summit 2018

IEEE Bangladesh Section organized “IEEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Summit 2018” on 28 April, 2018 at ECE Building, BUET, Dhaka to meet each sub-committee members of IEEE Bangladesh Section and executive committee members of IEEE Bangladesh Section Young Professionals and IEEE Bangladesh Section Women in Engineering Affinity Group and to share the year-long activities of IEEE Bangladesh…

Workshop on “Humanitarian Technology with Sustainable Development”

IEEE Bangladesh Section Humanitarian Activities Committee (HAC) in collaboration with IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE BUET Student Branch arranged a workshop on “Humanitarian Technology with Sustainable Development” on 25 April 2018 at ECE Building, BUET. Rakibul Islam Chowdhury, Humanitarian Activity Co-ordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section hosted the event. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Education Chair,…