IEEE Day Observations- Dreams, Dialogs, and Directions for a Better Tomorrow- Organized by IEEE Bangladesh Section

  Author: Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section   IEEE Day reminds us of the moment when the first time in history engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. The theme of the IEEE Day is: “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, IEEE Bangladesh…

Special report on “TENSYMP2020: THE 1ST VIRTUAL FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE OF REGION 10” published at IEEE R10 Newsletter

A special report on “TENSYMP2020: THE 1ST VIRTUAL FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE OF REGION 10” is being published on the IEEE R10 Newsletter, July-2020 Edition. This special report is being written by Professor Dr. Shaikh A. Fattah, Technical Program Chair, IEEE TENSYMP2020.   You can read the whole report here online. The following write up is being…

Seminar on Control of Networked Multirobot Systems

Date: 1st October 2019 Venue: EWU Host: IEEE Bangladesh Section. Co- host: WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE EWU Computer Society Student Branch Chapter.   IEEE Bangladesh Section (IEEE BDS) and IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group IEEE Bangladesh Section (WIE AG BDS), collaborating with IEEE EWU Computer Society Student Branch Chapter, organized a…

Workshop on RISC-V Technology and SiFive Tutorial

Date: 31st August, 2019 Venue: Department of EEE, University of Dhaka Host:  SiFive Cohost: Ulkasemi, IEEE Bangladesh Section and Department of EEE, BUET.    Ulkasemi co-hosted “Workshop on RISC-V Technology and SiFive Tutorial” organized by SiFive along with IEEE Bangladesh Section and Department of EEE, BUET. Welcoming session and Introduction speech were conducted by Shivaram…

IEEE YESIST12 Innovation Challenge 2019, Bangladesh Pilot Round

Date: 27th July, 2019 Venue: Asia Hotel and Resorts, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Event Coordinator: Raihan Ur Rashid, Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section Number of students participated: 120 Number of teams participated: 23 Number of universities/colleges participated: 11 Names, affiliation and details of the juries: Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Prof. Dr.…

WePower overview Introduction: An interdisciplinary Session at IC4ME2

Date: July 12, 2019 Venue: University of Rajshahi Host: IEEE Bangladesh Section Cohost: IEEE BDS WIE Affinity Group and Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi. No. of Participants: 31   The 5th International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering IC4ME2-2019, organized by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, July 11…

Campaign for Smart City in Bangladesh

Hosted by: IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: Corporate office, Robi Axiata Limited Date: 30th May, 2019 Details:   IEEE Bangladesh Section has officially launched its one of the largest new initiatives of 2019 ‘Campaign for Smart City in Bangladesh’ on May 30, 2019 at Robi Corporate Office with the slogan: ‘Smart thinking and smart technology for…