Robo Carnival

Hosted by: BUET Robotics Society Co- Host: IEEE Bangladesh Section  Venue: BUET Date: January 18, 2019 Details: IEEE Bangladesh Section and BUET Robotics Society organized ”Robo Carnival 2019” at the premises of BUET on 18th January 2019. The event consisted five segments for this year’s event to help robotics enthusiasts test out their skills in…


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]IEEE Member: 110 Time: 4:00pm-7:00pm Date: January 6, 2017 (Friday) Venue: ECE Buidling, BUET, Dhaka. Speaker(s): IEEE BDS 2016 Ex-COM Members Election Commissioner: Prof. Dr. Shahidul I. Khan, Founder Chair, IEEE BDS   Description: In the Annual General Meeting, the Annual Activities Reports of 2016 and Financial Report of 2016 were presented and approved. In…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Dinner and Award Night

[vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]IEEE Bangladesh Section Dinner and Award Night held on December 29, 2016. And IEEE Bangladesh Section is do delighted to announce the Winners for the year 2015 & 2016 here.   Winners of Year 2016 Category Winner Best Student Branch Award Winner: IEEE AIUB Student Branch Honorary Mention: IEEE UIU Student Branch Promising Student Branch…

IEEE Region 10 mini POCO 2016 by IEEE Bangladesh Section

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] On 12th November, 2016, IEEE Bangladesh Section organized the IEEE Region 10 mini POCO 2016 at the Zurich Conference Hall in Hotel Swiss Garden, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Envisioning the mission of POCO (Panel of Conference Organizers), the event was targeted to provide a world-class learning experience and discussion, from which the 40 participants could gather…

IEEE BDS participate in IEEE Region 10 SYWL Congress -Bengalore, India-2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On August 24, 2016, IEEE Bangalore Section was host to one of the largest gatherings of IEEE members worldwide – The IEEE Region 10 Student/YP/WIE/Life Members Congress 2016. The programme commenced with the celebration of the 50 Years Anniversary of IEEE Region 10, held on the eve of August 24, 2016 at Hotel Lalit Ashok,…

IEEE UIU Student Branch organized a Workshop on “Biomedical Signal Processing

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]IEEE UIU Student Branch has successfully organized a half-day Workshop on Bio-Medical Signal Processing on 16th April, 2016. The workshop was co-organized by BIMS Research Group and IEEE EMBS Bangladesh Chapter. We are immensely grateful to Dr. Khawza I. Ahmed, Director of BIMS Research Group and Mr. Simanto Saha, Research Assistant of BIMS Research Group,…

IEEE UIU Student Branch organized “Orientation Program of IEEE UIU SB 2016” and “Inauguration Ceremonies of IEEE IAS Chapter at UIU and IEEE UIU WIE SB Affinity Group”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are very pleased to say that the Orientation Program as well as the Inauguration Ceremonies of IEEE UIU WIE SB Affinity Group and IEEE IAS Chapter organized by IEEE UIU Student Branch on 9th April, 2016, were hugely successful. We are very thankful to our very own Dr. M. Rezwan Khan, Vice Chancellor at…

“IEEE MTT-S AIUB Student Branch Chapter organized a workshop on “Advanced Design System (ADS)”

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On 24th March, 2016, IEEE MTT-S AIUB Student Branch Chapter organized a workshop titled “Advanced Design System (ADS)” in Room 7101, Faculty of Arts and Social Science building, AIUB. The workshop was held to introduce the participants to one of the most leading electronic design automation software for RF, microwave and high-speed digital applications. This…

3rd IEEE BD Section Student/YP/WIE Congress 2015

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The IEEE Bangladesh Section SYW Congress is the biggest IEEE event for the students, young professionals and women in engineering (WIE) in Bangladesh with ample opportunities to explore various sectors of technology and development. Some of the major programs of the event were:- technical talks, ice breaking session: stand up-speak up presentation on activity plan of different…