ICCIT and ICPS Reviewers Meet-up 2023

IEEE Bangladesh Section & Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET -IRAB is jointly organized a ICCIT and ICPS Reviewers Meet-up 2023 at Room 1031, 10th floor, ECE Building, Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET (IRAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh on 20-21 October 2023. At this event a meet-up was held with the reviewers of the upcoming two…

Celebration of IEEE DAY 2023

On 14th October, 2023 (Saturday), IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE WIE Affinity Group Bangladesh Section successfully jointly organized an event to celebrate IEEE DAY 2023 on an online platform. Four speakers from different fields shared their knowledge and research work. Mohammed Shafi K from System Software Engineer, Intel Corporation, Folsom, California – USA delivered a…

IEEE R10 Robot Competition (Stage-1) 2023: Final Round form Bangladesh Section

IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society-Bangladesh Chapter & Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET (IRAB) organized an IEEE R10 Robot Competition for Managing Climate Change (Stage-1) at Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET (IRAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh on 5th August 2023. The top six selected teams of IEEE student branch members from various Bangladeshi…

IEEE WIE BD AGs Meet Up 2023

We was delighted to inform you that IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE WIE Affinity Group Bangladesh Section are going to celebrated IEEE WIE DAY 2023. We was pleased to invited you to participate in the upcoming event entitled “IEEE WIE BD AGs Meet Up.” Professor Dr. Celia Shahnaz, IEEE WIE Committee Chair, has graciously consented…

Brain Automation Symposium 2023

On July 15 (Thursday), 2023, Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET -IRAB successfully organized “Brain Automation Symposium 2023” at IICT Room 705, ECE Building, BUET. The symposium focused on recent advances in Brain Automation covering a wide area of interdisciplinary interests. Researchers from various disciplines and industries attended the event and shared their experiences in…

IEEE BDS Technical Experts’ Forum 2023

IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society-Bangladesh Chapter & The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh-IEB, in collaboration with IEEE BUET Student Branch jointly organized a IEEE Bangladesh Section Technical Experts’ Forum at IEB Council Hall, 1st floor, Shahid Prokousholi Bhaban, IEB – Dhaka, Bangladesh on 24th June 2023. This forum was held in the last…


IEEE Bangladesh Section on behalf of Student Activities Committee (SAC), organized an event titled “MEET-UP with IEEE PRESIDENT & CEO”. The program schedule was as follows: Date: 24th June 2023 Timings: After 2 PM to 5 PM Venue: IEB, Ramna, Dhaka-1000 Counselors, Chairs and ex-com members of IEEE student branches of various universities in Bangladesh…

IEEE R10 Robot Competition for Managing Climate Change (Stage-1) – 2023

IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society-Bangladesh Chapter & Institute of Robotics and Automation, BUET (IRAB), in collaboration with IEEE BUET Student Branch organized a IEEE R10 Robot Competition for Managing Climate Change (Stage-1) at IICT Virtual Class Room 705, ECE Building, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 24th June 2023. Dr. Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, General…

IEEE SPS Day Meet & Greet 2023

IEEE SPS DAY Meet & Greet of IEEE SPS Researchers, On 2nd June, 2023, The IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE SPS Bangladesh Chapter jointly organized to celebrate the first IEEE SPS Day. 2023 marks 75 years of the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) and Friday, 2 June 2023 is announced as the inaugural SPS Day. The first IEEE SPS Day 2023 is a historic…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Award Winners’ Forum 2023

IEEE Bangladesh Section Award Winners’ Forum on 07 April 2023 The award/prize winners are from the following category, IEEE ICCIT 2022 IEEE WIECON-ECE 2022 2022-December Co-located Conferences/Competitions at ICCIT 2022-June Co-located Conferences 2021-December Co-located Conferences 2021 & 2022 IEEE BDS Section Awards Climate Change Idea Competition IEEE BDS Congratulates again all the winners for their…