TechTalk of Webinar Series: Research and Innovation Challenges During Covid-19 Episode 1

Event Title: 1st TechTalk of Webinar Series: Fighting Covid-19 Event Date:  July 19th, 2020 Event Time: 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm (GMT+6) Platform: Zoom Meeting (Online Webinar) Organized By: – IEEE Bangladesh Section – IEEE BUET Student Branch WIE Affinity Group – IEEE BUET Student Branch – IEEE SPS BUET Student Branch Chapter Speakers: ● Dr.…

Special report on “TENSYMP2020: THE 1ST VIRTUAL FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE OF REGION 10” published at IEEE R10 Newsletter

A special report on “TENSYMP2020: THE 1ST VIRTUAL FLAGSHIP CONFERENCE OF REGION 10” is being published on the IEEE R10 Newsletter, July-2020 Edition. This special report is being written by Professor Dr. Shaikh A. Fattah, Technical Program Chair, IEEE TENSYMP2020.   You can read the whole report here online. The following write up is being…

Covid19 Tech Talk Series

Event Title: Covid19 Tech Talk Series Event Date:  July 18th, 2020 Event Time: 8:00 pm – 09:30 pm (GMT+6) Platform: Zoom Meeting (Online Webinar) Organized By: – IEEE Bangladesh Section – IEEE AUST Student Branch (IASB) – IEEE EMBS Bangladesh Chapter Speakers: ● Keynote Speaker: Dr. Celia Shahnaz | Professor, Dept. of EEE, BUET; 2021-22 IEEE…

International Covid19 Congress (ICC2020)

To exchange our views and share our ideas to fight against the COVID19 pandemic, IEEE Bangladesh Section organized a full virtual event, International COVID19 Congress (ICC-2020). It was held 9th and 10th August 2020.  Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section was the General Chair of the Congress and Dr. Shaikh A Fattah, Nomination and…

VCOP: Virtual Conference Organizers’ Panel

VCOP: Virtual Conference Organizers’ Panel To Explore the Challenges of Organizing a Full Virtual Technical Conference, with the experience gained from successfully organizing IEEE TENSYMP 2020, IEEE Region 10’s first full virtual flagship conference, IEEE Bangladesh Section organized Virtual Conference Organizers’ Panel (VCOP 2020) on July 1st and 2nd. Virtual Conference Organizers’ Panel (VCOP 2020)…

Webinar: Covid19 Pandemic- Technological Challenges in Healthcare and Public Health

  Event Title: Webinar: Covid19 Pandemic- Technological Challenges in Healthcare and Public Health Event Date:  June 26th 2020 Event Time: 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm (GMT+6) Platform: Zoom Meeting (Online Webinar) Organized By: – IEEE Bangladesh Section – IEEE SSIT Bangladesh Chapter – IEEE SIGHT – IEEE HAC Speakers: (a) Luis Kun, Life Fellow, IEEE Distinguished…

Can We Really Be Energy-Greener by 2050?

Event Title: Can We Really Be Energy-Greener by 2050? Event Date:  June 03rd 2020 Event Time: 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Platform: Zoom Meeting (Online Webinar) Organized By: – IEEE Bangladesh Section – IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh – IEEE SIGHT FLASH of IEEE Bangladesh Section – IEEE BDS HAC Speakers: (a) Dr. Nowshad Amin, SMIEEE Professor,…