Second Engineering, Medicine, Biology, and Healthcare Research and Innovation Colloquium (Virtual)

With a view to accentuate the research field and prominent upwardness in Engineering, Medicine and Biology within researchers and young minds alike, IEEE EMBS Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) Student Branch Chapter, IEEE BUET Student Branch and IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) BUET Student Branch, collaborating with IEEE EMBS Bangladesh Chapter as well…

Women In STEM: Affection Affirmation and Altitude (AAA)

To celebrate International Mother’s Day 2021, IEEE WIE BUET Student Branch Affinity Group, in collaboration with IEEE WIE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Stamford University Student Branch, organized a webinar titled “Women In STEM: Affection Affirmation and Altitude (AAA)” on 9 May, 2021, to signify women contributions in STEM as motherly figures. The event was initiated at 3 PM as the Chairperson…

International Women in Engineering COVID 19 Congress 2021 (WIECOV 2021)

IEEE Bangladesh section offers successful events for the whole section by collaborating with different national and international IEEE sections, affinity groups, student branches etc. Recently IEEE Bangladesh Section and Women In Engineering Affinity Group of IEEE Bangladesh Section have organised an event named “Women In Engineering Covid 19 Congress 2021” (WIECOV 2021) with the help…

Young Professions-Students Vitality Enhancement and Engagement Summit

In order to raise professional awareness among students and provide them with an opportunity to learn about professional life, IEEE BUET Student Branch in collaboration with IEEE Young Professionals Bangladesh and IEEE Bangladesh Section are organizing Young Professions-Students Vitality Enhancement and Engagement Summit 2021. This event is supported by IEEE R10 Young Professionals and approved for…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Conference Education Program – Virtual Leadership Workshop (IEEE REGION 10 MINIPOCO)

IEEE Bangladesh Section will organize IEEE Region 10 Funded MiniPOCO with the theme “IEEE Bangladesh Section Conference Education Program – Virtual Leadership Workshop”. There will be two workshops. Host: IEEE MCE Education and Engagement Organizer: IEEE Bangladesh Section There will be two sessions. Dates:  December 2nd and 9th  Time: 8:00 AM US Eastern Time / Bangladesh…

IEEE SIGHT Day Celebration 2021

IEEE Bangladesh Section is Celebrating SIGHT Day 2021 along with IEEE SIGHT FLASH and IEEE BUET Student Branch. The second annual IEEE SIGHT Day is taking place on 28 April! This year’s theme is “Celebrating 10 years of IEEE SIGHT”. Topic: SIGHT Day Celebration 2021 Time: Apr 28, 2021, 03:00 PM Astana, Dhaka Join Zoom…


The IEEE Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) is an IEEE program, instituted by the IEEE HAC. IEEE SIGHT is a global network of groups consisting of IEEE members and volunteers who identify and address local problems by applying their technical skills and partnering with their local communities. In 2011, the SIGHT program was…

How IEEE Helps the Students in Reshaping Careers

IEEE provides a platform for students and members to get access to the technological advances and all aspects of the engineering field, along with journals and articles which benefits them in enormous ways in their career building. IEEE Membership opens the doors to join and participate in discussions on various technical interests and develop their…