Award Giving Ceremony among R-10 delegates


In presence of the huge audiences, awards were distributed among the IEEE Region-10 (the Asia Pacific) delegates acknowledging their contribution. R-10 Past Director addressed the delegates and the ceremony was concluded with a very warm speech from the present R-10 Director Ramakrishna Kappagantu.


Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2014 and Election 2015 of IEEE Bangladesh Section

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In the Annual General Meeting, the Annual Activities Reports of 2014 and Financial Report of 2014 were presented and approved. In the electoral part of the meeting, the volunteers of the following posts of Executive Committee of IEEE Bangladesh Section were elected: Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Development Coordinator, Professional Activities Coordinator, Student Activities Coordinator,…