Seminar on “Importance of Biomedical Engineering Education: Potentialities and Challenges”

    A seminar on  “Importance of Biomedical Engineering  Education: Potentialities and Challenges” was successfully held on 15 February 2018 (Thursday) at Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University (HU), Dinajpur, Bangladesh. The seminar was jointly organized by the Educational Activity Sub-committee of IEEE Bangladesh Section and IEEE Student…

Invitation to celebrate 25th year of IEEE Bangladesh Section in 2018:

With more than 3000 members and growing, IEEE Bangladesh Section has garnered significant recognition in IEEE Worldwide. In the last year alone, IEEE Bangladesh Section has filed petitions to form five new IEEE technical society chapters in Bangladesh section: Industry Applications Society (IAS), Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT),…

IEEE Bangladesh Section AGM 2018

  The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of IEEE Bangladesh Section for the year 2017 was held on Saturday, January 06, 2018 at 6:00 PM in Room # 625, of the ECE Building, Department of EEE, BUET.  Prof. Dr. Quazi D.M. Khosru, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section (2017) led this meeting. As per a previously declared agenda,…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Executive Committee 2018

The new executive committee of IEEE Bangladesh Section for the year of 2018 has been elected on 6th January during Annual General Meeting (AGM) of IEEE Bangladesh Section. The newly elected committee is led by Professor Dr. Celia Shanaz. The member list of the newly elected committee as follows: 1. Chair: Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Professor,…


The list of the candidate   Yeasir Arafat Shams Shad Islam Khan Sadia Sharmin REDWAN FERDOUS Rakibul Islam Chowdhury Raihan Ur Rashid Prof. Dr. Mohammed Moshiul Hoque Mohammed Imamul Hassan Bhuiyan Mohammad Zakaria Haider Md Saeed MD Romael Haque Javed Niaj Mohsin Farseem Mannan Mohammedy Dr. Razzaq Dr. Mohammad Shorif Uddin Dr. Md. Rabiul Islam…

Outstanding Achievement of WIE AG, IEEE BDS

In 2017, WIE Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section has been selected as the recipient of “2016 Women in Engineering Affinity Group of the Year Award” in honor of demonstrated dedication and service to IEEE women in engineering through activities in 2016 . It is the highest honour/group award for a WIE AG to be received…