A session on IEEE Bangladesh Section Membership Development & Activities was held on 8th February, 2018 at Seminar Room, Dept. of EEE, Varendra University. IEEE Bangladesh Section along with E-Club, Dept. of EEE, Varendra University organized the session.
Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section, Associate Prof. Mr. Yeasir Arafat, Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, Md Zakaria Haider, Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section and MD Romael Haque, Treasurer, IEEE Bangladesh Section were present as the honorable speakers of the event. The session started at 5:00 PM. Around 40 students including both IEEE members and non-members were present.
Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section, started the session. She shared her achievements and all the challenges she faced along with other odds in bringing the section in such a magnificent position. She also put lights on the different tracks the section has worked on in the last few years for the professional and ethical development of the members.
In the second session Mr. Yeasir Arafat, Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE Bangladesh Section, shared the challenges IEEE Bangladesh Section faced in the previous years and the honors IEEE Bangladesh Section achieved. He also shed some light on the continuation of these achievements.
Then, MD. Romael Haque, Treasurer of IEEE Bangladesh Section, talked about membership efforts of IEEE Bangladesh Section and showed the membership growth of the section which is the highest in the entire world. He further showed all the awards the section or the maestros of the section have achieved.
Later, Mohammad Zakaria Haider, Secretary of IEEE Bangladesh Section, discussed the importance of humanitarian aspects of IEEE and how to develop a humanitarian project as well as how IEEE Bangladesh Section has patronized different humanitarian activities which resulted to be the best section in humanitarian activities worldwide.
Muhammad Sajjadur Rahim, Associate Prof., Dept. of EEE, Varendra University and Coordinator, E-Club, Dept. of EEE, Varendra University was present in the session along with more than 15 other faculty members. At the end of the session speakers were given gifts as a token of gratitude and a group photo was taken.