Dr. Celia Shahnaz

Professor, Department of EEE, BUET



Number of Years with IEEE as valued Member


Member Grade

Senior Member

1st Choice of position


1st Choice Position Statement: considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

New Activities related to members/societies/programs
1. I will lead IEEE TENSYMP 2020, the Region 10 flagship conference to be held in Bangladesh, June 5-7, 2019 at Hotel Pan Pacific Sonargaon.
2. I will launch IEEE Senior member elevation Program in Bangladesh to support members and reviewers.
3. I will arrange IEEE Distinguish Lecture program, three of them I already organized (SPS DL, EMBS DL, IAS DL) in 2019
4. I will arrange Training/workshop for conference organizers from IEEE MCE
5. I will play pivotal role in successful organization of Society chapters’ specific co-located conferences (Such as RAS, IAS, EMBS, SPS, SSIT) related conference that were launched in 2019.
6. I will take initiative to organize IEEE WIECON-ECE 2020 and future versions in IEEE large sections in south Asia, south east Asia, North Asia, Australia and Newzealand (ANZ) as it is the only joint event that is organized between Bangladesh and other sections, for which I was the founder in 2015.
7. To support the need of technical expert in the country, I will lead to Launch new technical society chapters, such as IEEE Consumer Electronics Society, IEEE Computational intelligence Society (CIS) Bangladesh Chapter and Power electronics Society (PELS) etc .
8. To support the need of Industry experts and Engineers in management, I will lead to launch IEEE Technology and Engineering Management society (TEM) Bangladesh Chapter
9. I will lead initiating Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) in IEEE under IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) •
10. I will lead strengthening The Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) under IEEE Educational Activities Board (EAB) •
11. I will lead “Bringing Back Life to Rohingya” Project under IEEE Humanitarian activity committee •
12. I will lead SIGHT activities in student branches under IEEE SIGHT Activity Statements related to Conference organization

Other Activity statements :

1. Mentor and Mentee Program (MMP): MMP can be done via webinars, online chats, and Women in Leadership Collabratec (WIL) Community to guide less active/ inactive groups about designing innovative events and to train the use of vtool to update their activity.
2. Strategy for sustainable membership: Design and conduct online survey and develop a student network to make strategies for sustainable membership. Registration benefit for an IEEE member in IEEE programs will be ensured.
3. Developing student Branch activation Program: Encourage student branches to update their activities by vtools. For inactive branches, web based mentoring programs can be initiated, where active student branches will serve as mentors for energizing inactive branches.
4. Innovating membership Retention Programs: Counselling sessions for students with low CGPA, programs focusing industry requirements and skills to be developed, mandatory awareness and information exchange programs about student scholarships and travel grants, internships with industry and company, part-time campus technical and professional jobs can motivate students for retention of their membership from year to year.
5. Arranging student competition in IEEE conferences: As in ICASSP, arrangement of student competition should be encouraged in each IEEE conferences to boost up student membership as well as to ensure student participation in those conferences to receive knowledge from world class researchers.

1st Choice Qualification relevant to the applied post considering IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 Words)

Professor, Department of EEE, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Experience through appointments as Full-time Faculty Member at BUET 2001-2019 (around 19 years of Full-time Professional Experience at BUET)

Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Concordia
University, Montreal, QC, Canada, in 2009

Recipient of the Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship for pursuing Ph.D. study in Canada in 2004

More than 120 publications (journal, conferences) [(https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=gwrHyr8AAAAJ)]

General Chair, IEEE TENSYMP 2020
18-19 Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section
Founder & Chair, IEEE SPS, IAS Bangladesh Chapters
Co-founder & Vice-Chair, IEEE RAS, SSIT Bangladesh Chapters
2017-19 IEEE PES Women in Power (WiP) IEEE Region 10 Regional representative
2017, 2019 Communications Chair, IEEE SIGHT steering Committee
2017-18 Chair, IEEE WIE Workshops Subcommittee
2017-18 Member, IEEE Region 10 Subcommittees (WIE, Humanitarian Technology Activity, Education)
2016 IEEE Region 10 WIE Coordinator
2018-19 Member, Technical Committee, Image, Video, and Multimedia (IVM), Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA)
2018 Editorial board member, IET Signal Processing

General Chair, IEEE SPICSCON 2019 and IEEE PEEIACON 2019
Technical Program Chair, IEEE BECITHCON 2019 and IEEE RAAICON 2019

Founder, Adviser, Nominations and Appointments Chair, WIE AG, IEEE Bangladesh Section
General Chair: IEEE WIECON-ECE 2019, 2018, 2016
General Co- Chair, IEEE Region 10 HTC 2017 and IEEE WIECON-ECE 2017
Founder and TPC Chair: IEEE WIECON-ECE 2015

Keynote/Invited Speaker:
ICCCMLA 2019, ICETCCT-2017 , ICPCES 2017, IWCI 2016, IEEE R10 Tech. Seminars 2016 &
2017, ICGIP 2015

As Chair, IEEE WIE workshop subcommittee 2017-18 (a priority program of IEEE WIE), I mentored and coordinated around 25 WIE workshops and panels in IEEE R10, R9, R7, R8, R3, R5. Some are collaborative events with IEEE societies, PES, SSIT, IAS, SMC.

WePower, a world bank initiative in 2019 to enhance women representation in south Asia. Representing 3 strategic partners of WePower. Serving as Strategic partner leads on behalf of IEEE PES Women in power and that of IEEE Bangladesh Section, also strategic partner committee member on behalf of IEEE WIE.

General Chair, 2018 IEEE WIE international leadership Summit at Dhaka, Bangladesh.

As IEEE PES Women in Power (WiP) R10 representative 2017-19, contributed as a speaker and panelist in Ist IEEE PES WiP Conference in 2017. Served as brief session speaker (2017 Advancing WIE in Societies and Technical Councils: Following the PES Model) of IEEE sections congress 2017

As 2017 and 2019 Communications Chair, IEEE SIGHT steering Committee, launched Humans of IEEE SIGHT, an initiative to recognize contribution of significant volunteer in SIGHT.

Chair,WIE track, IEEE ANZSCON 2017,
Chair, WIE panel, ISTAS 2017
Resource person, Industry-Academia Conclave 2017
Program Chair, 2016 TENSYMP WIE TRACK , 2016 TENCON WIE Special Session and 2016 R10
HTC WIE track
Program Chair, WIE Track IEEE R10 SYWL congress 2016
IAC member, WIE international Pune summit 2016
Program Committee member, IEEE WIE Chennai ILS 2015
Jury coordination committee Member, AIYHUM 2015
Jury, AIYHUM 2017
International pilot coordinator for, ss12 2017, 2018
Publicity Co-chair, MMM’ 2018
Publication Chair, ICECE 2014, 2108
Co-Chair, IEEE SMC 2017 WIE Workshop

2nd Choice of position


Contribution to IEEE Bangladesh Section (max 500 words)

1. Active in IEEE for more than 18 years. I am the first woman senior member and the first woman chair of BD section.
2. Led to win the bid of hosting IEEE TENSYNSYMP 2020 at Dhaka Bangladesh, a R10 flagship conference.
3. Led to win 2018 IEEE MGA outstanding large section award for IEEE Bangladesh Section.
4. Led to Win the proposal for hosting IEEE SAPS Winter School on multimodal Signal Processing in 2019
5. Led to win the bid of hosting 2018 IEEE WIE international leadership summit in Dhaka Bangladesh.
6. Led to win the R10 incentive grant of 3K in 2018 and 4k in 2019 for conducting and reporting activities in Bangladesh Section
7. Led to win fund for Women to Women Empowerment Challenge Through Humanitarian Technology Based Social Entrepreneurship (W2WEC), 2019 from IEEE HAC
8. In 2019, Led to launch 5 colocated society specific technical conferences in IEEE Bangladesh Section, SPS, RAS, IAS, EMBS and SSIT
9. Led to win 2018 outstanding Membership recruitment and retention performance recognition from IEEE MGA for the first time in 25th year
10. led 25th year celebration and launch IEEE BDS commemorative book along with a video 10.. 25th year celebration logo competition has been launched under her leadership and a logo is selected for using in all events of 2018.
11. Played a pivotal role in setting up IEEE Collabratec communities at Bangladesh section.
12. Played a significant role to get opportunity to organize IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian technology conference and served as a general Co-chair.
13. Played key role in winning the fund to implement the “ Bringing back Life to Rohingya” Project supported by IEEE Humanitarian Activity Committee. Served as general chair of IEEE HAC funded event “ IEEE WIE international Leadership Summit (ILS) Humanitarian Project Competition -2018”.
14. Played key role in winning the funds to implement the IEEE WIE humanitarian project competition in IEEE WIECON-ECE 2017 and 2018.
15. She is the advisor of a project that won 2017 R10 AIYEHUM challenge She served as international pilot coordinator of SS12, innovation challenge and maker fair and arranged the pilot round for the 4th times in IEEE Bangladesh Section.
16. In June 2013, Dr. Celia has filed a petition to form FLASH and received funds.
17. Played key role in winning the fund to implement the “ Demystify Nuclear Power Technology ” Project supported by IEEE Foundation in 2018
18. Encouraged industry engagement in almost all events in IEEE BDS
19. led IEEE BDS PES day celebration for PES members, IEEE BDS IAS summit, IEEE BDS SPS and EMBS chapters’ forum, IEEE BDS SSIT chapter workshop (IEEE SSIT president Paul Cunninghum visited Dhaka)
20. Acted as a nominator/endorser/advisor of almost all IEEE award applications in IEEE Bangladesh section,

IEEE positions held chronologically (global and local)

2017-18 Chair, IEEE WIE Workshops Subcommittee
2019 Member, WePower Subcommittee, IEEE WIE
2017 -19 IEEE PES WiP R10 Regional representative
2017, 19 Communications Chair, IEEE SIGHT steering Committee
2017 Member, IEEE SSIT WIE & SIT Subcommittees
2017-18 Member, R 10 Committees (WIE, HTA, Education)
2016 Member, Special Events & Women in Leadership Collabratec Community Subcommittees, IEEE WIE

2016 R10 WIE Coordinator
Member, R10 WIE subcommittee, 2015
Representative(2015) & Webmaster (2014-15), R10 WIE volunteer committee
Member, R10 50th years celebrations adhoc committee 2016

Section and Student branch:
Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section (BDS), 2018-2019
Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE BDS, 2017
Chair, WIE BD AG, 2011-2015
Chair, BDS MD, 2012-2013
Coordinator, BDS SIGHT FLASH, 2014-2019
Advisor, WIE BD AG, 2016-2019
Advisor, IEEE BUET SB WIE AG, 2016-2019

IEEE Societies:
Member, IEEE PELS TC5 – Sustainable Energy Technical Committee,
To-go-Person, TC5 Webinar, TC5 Travelling Lecturer (TL) [preliminarily selected],
Member, IEEE PES education Committee,
Founder Chair 2018-2019: IEEE SPS, IAS BD Chapters
Co-founder and Vice -Chair 2018-2019: IEEE RAS and SSIT BD Chapters
Advisor, BUET SPS SB chapter, BUET IAS SB Chapter, BUET RAS SB Chapter
Founder member, IEEE EMBS Bangladesh Chapter
Member, IEEE PES
Member, IEEE Computational intelligence Society (CIS);

Awards received from IEEE (global and local)[If no award is received please write “No award is received”]

1. She is the recipient of Bangladesh-Academy of Science Gold Medal.
2. She is the mentor, Ist prize winning project in IEEE IAS CMD Robotics Contest 2019, 2nd prize winning project in IEEE IAS CMD Robotics Contest 2018, Ist prize winning project in IAS CMD Humanitarian Project Contest 2017, supervisor, 5th rank winning team, SPCUP competition in ICASSP 2015.
3. Her papers have received best paper awards in biomedical Engineering tracks at TENCON 2017 and at IEEE WIECON-ECE 2016, in Humanitarian Challenge track at R10 HTC 2017, and the best interactive poster award at icIVPR 2017.
4. Winner of Top Ten Best Paper Award in the Student Paper Contest of MWSCAS14, Texas, USA, 2014
5. Supervisor of 1st Prize winning project in Computer Group in EUProW 2011, BUET, Bangladesh. 20. Winner of the Best Poster Award in the 1st WIE Research Presentation, Bangladesh, 2011.
6. Winner of the First Prize in Communication Group in the 1st WIE Research Presentation, Bangladesh,
7. Top fifteen finalists of the student research presentation Competition in the SYTACOM workshop, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2009
8. Winner of Best Student Paper Award in the IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks & Signal Processing (ICNNSP 2008), Zhenjiang, China, 2008.
9. Winner of Top Ten Best Paper Award in the Student Paper Contest of MWSCAS 2008, Tennessee, USA, 2008
10. Recipient, 2019 R10 Humanitarian Technology Activities outstanding volunteer award,
11. 2016 IEEE MGA Leadership award ,
12. 2015 WIE Inspiring Member Award from IEEE WIE,
13. 2013 IEEE R10 WIE Professional Volunteer award.
14. Under my leadership, WIE Bangladesh (BD) section Affinity group (AG)
has received 2015 WIE AG of the year award-honorable mention(from IEEE WIE) .
15. While I was an advisor of WIE BD AG, it won 2016 R10 section WIE AG of the year award and 2017 WIE AG of the year award from IEEE WIE.
16. While I was an advisor of BUET SB WIE AG, it won 2018 R10 WIE SB AG
of the year award, 2018 WIE SB AG of the year award-honorable mention(from IEEE WIE) and 2019 WIE SB of the year award-(from IEEE WIE)
17. Winner of ECCE WIE travel grant in 2018 and 2019
18. Winner of IEEE AS CMD travel grant 2017
19. Recipient of BUET Supplemental Funds for presenting research paper in MWSCAS14, Texas, USA, 2014
20. Recipient of BUET Supplemental Funds for presenting research paper in IEEE TENCON, Bali, Indonesia, 2011.
21.Winner of ReSMiQ finanancial support for conference travel expenses of graduate students for presenting paper in MWSCAS 2008, USA.
22. Recipient of Special travel and conference grant from the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE) for presenting research paper in ISCAS 2006, Island of Kos, Greece, 20006.
23. Recipient of Special travel and conference grant from the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) for presenting research paper in ISCAS 2005), Kobe, Japan, 2006.
24. Recipient of the Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship (CCSF) in 2004 for pursuing Ph. D study in Canada, May. 2004-Apr.2008.
25. Recipient of Travel grant for higher studies from Sweden-Bangladesh trust fund.

Experience in IEEE Bangladesh Section  in Executive Committee, Affinity Groups, Societies chapters, Student Branches (year and positions) [Please mention whether the position is listed in Vtools or not]

Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section (BDS), 2018-2019 [Vtool listed]
Vice Chair (Activity), IEEE BDS, 2017 [Vtool listed]
Chair, WIE BD AG, 2011-2015 [Vtool listed]
Chair, BDS MD, 2012-2013
Coordinator, BDS SIGHT FLASH, 2014-2019
Advisor, WIE BD AG, 2016-2019
Advisor, IEEE BUET SB WIE AG, 2016-2019

Founder Chair 2018-2019: IEEE SPS, IAS BD Chapters [Vtool listed]
Co-founder and Vice -Chair 2018-2019: IEEE RAS and SSIT BD Chapters [Vtool listed]
Advisor, BUET SPS SB chapter, BUET IAS SB Chapter, BUET RAS SB Chapter

Endorser’s Name

Shaikh Anowarul Fattah

Endorser’s Affiliation

Professor, Dept of EEE, BUET, Dhaka