6th IEEE WIECON-2020 Conference

  Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section and General Chair, IEEE WIECON ECE 2020 Dr. Renu Sharma, Chair, WIE, Bhubaneswar Sub Section and General Chair, IEEE WIECON ECE 2020   Women in Engineering Conference (WIECON) is the flagship event of IEEE Bangladesh Section. It is a multidisciplinary conference organized with the objective of bringing…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Awards Night 2020

Author: Dr. Md. Zunaid Baten, Awards Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section   On 31st December 2020 IEEE Bangladesh Section a virtual Awards Night. Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, IEEE Bangladesh Section Chair presided over the program. Prof. Dr. Zunaid Baten, Awards Coordinator, IEEE Bangladesh Section moderated the Awards Session. More than 200 members joined the program.  …

Women in SIGHT Summit

Women IN SIGHT Summit (WISE) 2020 by IEEE Bangladesh Section SIGHT FLASH.   From IEEE Bangladesh Section SIGHT group FLASH, we had an event, where women around the world interested in and engaged in SIGHT/HAC activities presented their works during IEEE SIGHT week and we celebrated their potentials and recognizing their contributions. Chief Guest: Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan, Global IEEE…

A Brief Report on “Bridge the Healthcare Gap: Introducing Telemedicine and IoT to Secondary Schools Students”

Author: Raihan ur Rashid, Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section.   IEEE Bangladesh Section has organized a virtual workshop titled “Bridge the Healthcare Gap: Introducing Telemedicine and IoT to Secondary Schools Students” on 20 December 2020 aiming to promote engineering education to pre-university students. One hundred students of class 11 and 12 from Engineering University Girls School…

IEEE Day Observations- Dreams, Dialogs, and Directions for a Better Tomorrow- Organized by IEEE Bangladesh Section

  Author: Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section   IEEE Day reminds us of the moment when the first time in history engineers worldwide and IEEE members gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884. The theme of the IEEE Day is: “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow”. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, IEEE Bangladesh…