Hosted by: Department of EEE, BUET Co-hosts: IEEE Bangladesh Section Date: 22ND -24TH January, 2019 Venue: ECE Building, BUET   The biggest departmental event of the department of EEE of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology called the ‘EEE Day 2019’ was held and observed by the students and teachers alike with great enthusiasm and…

Robo Carnival

Hosted by: BUET Robotics Society Co- Host: IEEE Bangladesh Section  Venue: BUET Date: January 18, 2019 Details: IEEE Bangladesh Section and BUET Robotics Society organized ”Robo Carnival 2019” at the premises of BUET on 18th January 2019. The event consisted five segments for this year’s event to help robotics enthusiasts test out their skills in…

IEEE Bangladesh Section AGM and Election

Hosted by: IEEE Bangladesh Section Venue: BUET Date: January 05, 2019 Details: On January 05, 2019, IEEE Bangladesh Section had its Annual General meeting and Election. After the presentation of the annual activities of the year 2018, the general election was held and the newly elected 2019 Executive Committee Members of IEEE Bangladesh Section (BDS)…