IEEE YESIST12 Innovation Challenge 2019, Bangladesh Pilot Round

Date: 27th July, 2019 Venue: Asia Hotel and Resorts, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Event Coordinator: Raihan Ur Rashid, Secretary, IEEE Bangladesh Section Number of students participated: 120 Number of teams participated: 23 Number of universities/colleges participated: 11 Names, affiliation and details of the juries: Prof. Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair, IEEE Bangladesh Section, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Prof. Dr.…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Enhancement Event 2019 – IUB

Date: 27th July 2019 Venue:  Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) Host: IEEE IUB SB  Cohost: IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE Industry Applications Society Bangladesh Chapter No. of Participants: 31 students (IEEE member -15 and Non-IEEE member – 16).   IEEE Bangladesh Section along with IEEE Robotics and Automation Society…

EEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Enhancement Event 2019 – AUST

Date: 20th July 2019 Venue:  Department of EEE, AUST Host: IEEE AUST SB Cohost: IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE Industry Applications Society Bangladesh Chapter No. of Participants: 20   IEEE Bangladesh Section along with IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE Industry Applications Society Bangladesh Chapter…

IEEE Bangladesh Section Vitality Enhancement Event 2019 – UIU

Date: 20th July 2019 Venue:  Department of EEE, UIU  Host: IEEE UIU Student Branch Cohost: IEEE Bangladesh Section, IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) Bangladesh Chapter and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) Bangladesh Chapter No. of Participants: 20   IEEE advances technology for humanity by creative collaborative platforms around fields of technical knowledge:…

WePower overview Introduction: An interdisciplinary Session at IC4ME2

Date: July 12, 2019 Venue: University of Rajshahi Host: IEEE Bangladesh Section Cohost: IEEE BDS WIE Affinity Group and Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi. No. of Participants: 31   The 5th International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering IC4ME2-2019, organized by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, July 11…